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    TDP-2-800 plant for coking industry waste treatment delivered to the Customer

    Section: News

    Coke waste treatment plant

    Continuous mode pyrolysis plant TDP-2-800 was manufactured by IPEC for OOO Stroyengineering. The delivery of the plant was carried out just two months after the contract signing. Assembly time at the site will be conducted to a minimum, as a result of the build quality of TDP-2-800: three units fit into the dimensions of a standard 40 ft’ containers, which facilitates the transportation of the equipment.

    Thermal Decomposition Plant TDP-2-800 will join an industrial facility to convert coal washing refuse, coke and by-product process waste into valuable secondary products: oil, fuel additives and carbon sorbents. The main objective is utilization of tar pits, areas of accumulation of coal-tar industry waste. Currently, these ponds are located in the critical vicinity of the city and constitute environmental hazard.

    For now, pyrolysis plant TDP-2 is the only available technology for the treatment of coking industry waste, which allows extracting valuable secondary output from it. The productivity of the plant was confirmed by the test conducted at industrial site of BTA plant where IPEC production facilities are located. Test batch of raw material treated has yielded prior approval.