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    TDP-2-2000 pyrolysis reactor shipped to Slavneft-Krasnoyarskneftegaz

    Section: News

    Pyrolysis reactor. Drilling waste utilization unitFinal delivery 2019: at the end of December, IPEC shipped a new reactor for assembly of TDP-2-2000 continuous pyrolysis unit, processing drilling waste at the Kuyumbinskoye field of «Slavneft-Krasnoyarskneftegaz» LLC.

    Equipping the Complex with an additional pyrolysis unit will Increase productivity at least twofold. Besides, the ‘tandem’ version of the equipment is an effective solution for utilization of watered sludge: in one reactor the feedstock is pre-dried, in the second reactor — directly thermal decomposition of concentrated residue.

    Installation, commissioning and testing of TDP-2-2000 in tandem version is going to be carried out from the middle of January to the beginning of February. Operation of the equipment is carried out by the service organization «BT-Promotkhody» LLC..