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    Continuous Thermal Decomposition Plant (TDP-2-500)

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    500 kg/h
    processing speed
    continuous operation
    qty of cycles of processing per day
    25 kW
    380 volt
    power consumption
    To order the equipment

    INTENDED USE:  Innovative low-temperature pyrolysis process for thermal decomposition of hydrocarbon-containing waste with the recovery of pyrolysis gas, liquid fuel oil, and biochar (carbon black).


    —    Industrial rubber goods, tyres

    —    Waste plastic, polypropylene bag (big bag), film

    —    Blend of polymers (PE, PP, PS)

    —    Lubricating and heavy oils, any type of solvents

    —    Oil sludge, drilling waste

    subject to provide a shredder machine


    1. Thermal energy recovery – up to 60 kW (with an optional heat-exchanger (recuperator)
    2. Electric power generation up to 1 MW (with an optional microturbines)


    • Reduction the burden on facility’s electric power supply
    • Electricity power distribution to facility / field / locality
    • Additional energy reserves in the case of emergencies
    • Usage of the process products (gas and oil) as an alternative energy source


    1. The source material is continuously fed into pyrolysis chamber from the hopper/by the pump.

    2. The pyrolysis chamber is heated by the mixed fuel burner installed in furnace.

    4. Liquid fuel is used for the plant startup. It is self-fed from fuel tank to the burner.

    7. After the startup the burner capacity is lowered and heating is carried out on pyrolysis gas.

    3. Vapor and gas mix is cooled in the condensation system, then in heat exchanger by recirculation.

    6. Vapor and gas mix product is fed  from the heat exchanger to the gas-liquid separator where flows are separated.

    => LIQUID FUEL  is drained to receiver tank and then is directed to the microturbines

    => GAS  is fed to the burners, the remaining amount of it is sent to the microturbines

    7. DRY RESIDUE  is discharged by screw conveyor to the air tight hopper, where it cools and further to the storage bin.

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      Continuous Thermal Decomposition Plant (TDP-2-500)

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