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    Waste Treatment And Processing

    I-Pec Engineering OÜ was founded in 2004 and offers a proprietary solution in the field of waste management and thermal treatment. TDP plant based on low-temperature pyrolysis technology produces high-calorific and commercial-grade products from the waste streams, which can be easily used as fuel substitute.

    Thermal Decomposition Plant of I-Pec Engineering OÜ make is efficient at:

    1. Liquid waste treatment: spent drilling fluids, oil sludge and emulsions, sub-standard oil;
    2. Solid waste treatment: rubber and old tyres, plastic waste and other hydrocarbons;
    3. Power recovery.

    TDP plant can be used by many industries. Oil and gas sector uses it at oil fields for oil sludge and drilling mud treatment. Distant location dictates waste disposal on the spot for the reason of high environmental penalties.

    Production facilities that generate spent oil, tyres and rubber could cut their costs drastically having implemented Thermal Decomposition Plants for two reasons:

    1. Waste disposal costs decrease;
    2. Profits from selling or using the products yielded from pyrolysis process.