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    Pyrolysis plant TDP-1-1000 is procured to JSC Rosneft

    Section: News

    IPEC Company shipped TDP-1-1000 pyrolysis plant for LLC RN-Uvatneftegaz. The facility will be operated at the territory of the Uvat group of fields in Tyumen region. TDP-1-1000 converts drilling muds, oil-contaminated sand, waste oil, geotextile and rubber. The plant’s capacity is 1000 kg/h per one processing cycle.

    Pyrolysis plants (TDP) of IPEC production meet the requirements of the local and international environmental legislation. According to the official estimates, the total reserves of the Uvat group of fields is 1.2 bln. tons of oil. TDP-1-1000 is capable to maintain environmentally-friendly and cost-effective waste processing in a long-term prospects.

    Pyrolysis plant TDP-1-1000 procured to JSC Rosneft